The Ultimate Smart Home Automation Cookbook

Creating a group is an easy way to control multiple devices at once. When you create a group, the hub will make a child device/entity, allowing you to manage all the group members with the child. In addition, they can be beneficial when creating automations as you only have to implement one device. Then when you add new devices, you only have to add them to the groups, and all automations are automatically updated. The most common group types are switches (on/off), dimmer (brightness control), and bulbs (color controls).

Automation Details

Required Devices

  • Group of Smart Devices


  • Group's Child Device


  • Perform Group Actions on All Device Members


Hubitat only allows for switches, dimmers and bulb groups, but when preforming an action you are able to select multiple devices.

Setting Up the Automation

  1. First, go to Apps and press Add Built-in App button.

    Hubitat App Screen
  2. Please scroll down to you see Groups and Scenes and select it.

    Hubitat Select App Screen
  3. On the Groups and Scenes screen, select Create New Group.

    Hubitat Create Group
  4. On the Create New Group screen, fill out as follows:

    1. Name the Group
    2. Add the devices from the different types
    3. Select the group device type.  We only need on/off capabilities for our purpose here, so we’ll select Switch from the drop-down.
    4. We will enable the Use group device to indicate if any members are on.  This will make the child group on if any of its members are on.
    5. We will also enable the Show group state in the group device.  This will show us how many devices are on.
    6. Then click the Done button.

    Hubitat Create Group Settings
  5. Finally, click the Done button again to complete the group creation.

    Success: That’s it! Now you can create as many groups as you like.  You can create them for individual rooms, holiday light groups or any any other use case.

    Hubitat Create Group Finished

Home Assistant

Home Assistant allows for sensor groups, cover (blind) groups, fan groups, light groups, lock groups, media player groups and switch groups

Setting Up the Automation

  1. First, we need to go to Settings and Devices & Services.

    Home Assistant Settings Screen
  2. At the top of the screen, click Helpers, then the blue Create Helper button at the bottom.

    Home Assistant Create Helper
  3. In the Create helper pop-up window, select Group.

    Home Assistant Helper Type
  4. Then in the Add Group window, select Light group.

    Home Assistant Helper group Type
  5. Name the group and select the Members.  Then click Submit.

    Home Assistant add group
  6. Finally, click Finish.

    Success: That’s it! Now you can create as many groups as you like.  You can create them for individual rooms, holiday light groups or any any other use case.

    Home Assistant Group Complete

Amazon Alexa

Create Group Integration

Setting Up the Automation

  1. From the home screen, click Devices.

    Alexa Home Screen
  2. At the top of the device screen, click the plus sign.

    Alexa Devices Screen
  3. Select Add Group from the popup menu.

    Alexa Devices Screen Add Group
  4. Select Create a room or device group.

    Alexa Create Group Screen
  5. In the Create a room or device group wizard, click Next.

    Alexa Create Group Wizard Home Screen
  6. On the Create group wizard, select Custom Name.

    Alexa Create Group Wizard Name Screen
  7. Type the name of your group and click the Next button.

    Alexa Create Group Wizard Custom Name Screen
  8. Select all the devices you want in the group and click the Next button.

    Alexa Create Group Wizard Select Devices Screen
  9. Since this is only a device group, we don’t need an Alexa device, so click the Skip button.

    Alexa Create Group Wizard Select Alexa Device Screen
  10. Finally, to finish the group, click the Done button.

    Success: That’s it! Now you can create as many groups as you like.  You can create them for individual rooms, holiday light groups or any any other use case.

    Alexa Create Group Wizard Finished Screen